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  About The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a program for those who are interested in studying the church's history, her sacred texts, liturgy, significant figures, dogma etc. We have already completed four semesters of engaging subjects such as Church History - Post Chalcedon, Coptic Art and Literature, and Introduction to Patristics.

Join us every semester as we invite experts from around the world to teach us about a new area of study. 

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New Course!
November 9th, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Lighthouse,


We are thrilled to announce our next semester starting January 15, 2025!

In continued collaboration with Agora university, Lighthouse will be offering the following course:


Liturgical Theology by Fr. Mebratu Gebru


This course provides an introduction to Liturgical Theology, examining the traditions and practices of the Church. Key readings emphasize the unity of Baptism, Chrismation, and Eucharist as foundational to Christian life and present sacraments as communal acts of the Church rather than private rites. The course also covers the sacraments of penance, unction, marriage, and holy orders, along with liturgical services such as Vespers, Matins, and the Eucharistic Liturgy. Special focus is given to how the Church's prayer transforms the Christian life.

As a reminder, in this course you will have access to:

  • 16 lectures by an Orthodox scholar

  • Live Q and A sessions

  • Discussion forums with students from across the globe

  • Credit for course, contingent on fulfilling curriculum requirements (optional)


As is customary of Lighthouse, you will still maintain the flexibility to set your own pace of learning through Agora's asynchronous lectures.

The fee to register for the summer semester remains $125 CAD. This is an 85% reduction in the cost typically associated with the content we will receive.

Step 1: Register HERE
Step 2: Send payment of $125 CAD to through PayPal or e-transfer

Registration closes November 30, 2024


This amazing opportunity is open to anyone above the age of 18 and we encourage you to spread the word!

God bless you all


In Christ,

The Lighthouse team

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Lighthouse?
The Lighthouse is a program for those who are interested in advanced studies of the church's history, her sacred texts, liturgy, significant figures, dogma etc.  


What is Agora University?

Agora University is an accredited post-secondary institution offering Master's degrees and certificate programs to students through online learning.

What is the course about?
Course description: Here the student is introduced to the subject of Liturgical theology, Liturgical science and traditions. The readings emphasize the integral character of Baptism, Chrismation, and Eucharist constituting together the beginning of the Christian life. Also, it emphasizes the understanding of sacrament or mystery as an action of the Church, rather than a “private” rite. The course also focuses on the sacraments of penance, unction, marriage, and holy orders as well as on the liturgical services of Vespers, Matins, and the Eucharistic liturgy. It focuses on how the prayer of the Church transfigures the life of the Christian.

I have never studied theology before, will I be able to follow along?
The content and the process are designed to allow registrants to go at their own pace, while offering options to connect with the professor and other students to facilitate learning.  

What are the requirements to register?
Requirements are few. You will be able to register with 2 photos (1 regular and 1 government issued) and some standard demographic information.

When are the lectures taking place?
Beginning January, lectures will be pre-recorded for you to listen at your own pace. The professor will schedule live Q and A sessions between January and April.

How much time commitment is required from me?
The course is arranged to lead students from one concept to the next. Accordingly, access to week 2 content will depend on completing week 1 and so on. 2-4 hours will be the approximate time investment per week.

How much does it cost?

This amazing collaboration with Agora is giving Lighthouse registrants access to amazing content for 85% reduction in cost. $125 CAD is the required payment.  

I’m very interested in the material but cannot afford it. Is there financial assistance?
If there are any issues with the cost, please reach out to to make arrangements.

Will I get credit for attending this course?

Lighthouse students interested in studying courses through our partnership with Agora University have the opportunity to take the first course at a reduced tuition rate as per our agreement with the University. Lighthouse students are typically registered in the first course as Auditors, which means they can have access to the live and recorded lectures, have access to all course materials, interact with the professors and other students without the need to satisfy any academic requirements including submitting homework assignments or sitting for any exams.

However, through our partnership with Agora University, students have a chance, during the first 4 weeks of their first course, to earn credit for the course at the special discounted rate as a Regular student by:
1.⁠ ⁠Informing the Registrar of their intention to switch their status from being an Audit student to becoming a Regular student.
2.⁠ ⁠Submit all the required assignments and sit for the exams.
3.⁠ ⁠Complete a full admissions application if they satisfy the minimum admissions requirements.

Upon the completion of the first course, students can take more courses with Agora University in one of the following ways:
1.⁠ ⁠Audit more courses at the Lighthouse discounted tuition rates with no academic requirements or credit given. (Please note that if an audit student wishes to earn a degree from Agora University in the future, the student will have to retake all courses and redo all the work if they qualify for admissions.)
2.⁠ ⁠Take more courses for credit as a Regular student, which means that the student must submit a full admissions application, if they meet the minimum requirements, and pay the full tuition rate for all subsequent courses beyond the first course.”

Is the credit transferable?
All Agora courses are fully accredited and should be able to transfer to other North American institutions. However, this is up to the receiving institution as the case with any other University.

Will I get an educational tax receipt or donation tax receipt?
There will be no tax receipts issued for the registration fee.  

Will content be available after the program or on YouTube?
Unlike previous semesters, recorded lectures will not be placed on YouTube. However, lecture notes, readings and presentations will be available for download.


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